Strategic Community Planning Group Flyer

Join the Lin-Wood Community Planning Group!

Scan QR Code for Application.

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The Lincoln-Woodstock Cooperative School District is looking for solutions-oriented and forward-thinking individuals to dive into the work with 2Revolutions and help create a plan for taking Lin-Wood from good to great. If you are interested in this work, please complete this application by no later than January 31st. 


  • Community Planning Group (CPG) Applications Due: Jan 31st
  • CPG plan members notified: February 14, 2025
  • CPG In Person Kick Off: March 10th, 2025 3-6 PM In-person
  • CPG Session 2 (Virtual): April 15th, 2025
  • CPG Session 3 (Virtual): May 5th, 2025
  • CPG Session 4 (In-Person): June 3rd, 2025, time TBD
  • Presentation process to the community: June/July
  • CPG presentation of the plan to school community and board: Fall 2025

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Community Planning Group

What is Involved in the CPG?

Lin-Wood School District is working to achieve greater understanding, appreciation, and support for our public schools.  Central to our mission is the creation of a new, comprehensive strategic plan for the Lin-Wood School District.  A plan that is driven by community, provides clearly defined initiatives with accountability, and leverages existing community resources.  A plan that is both practical and aspirational – optimizing daily operations, while also creatively advancing teaching and learning. 

Planning Process

In order to ensure that the new strategic plan is truly by and for our community, it is essential that the planning process be guided by a broad and diverse representation of our people.   With this in mind, a Community Planning Group (CPG) is being assembled. This CPG will partner with Lin-Wood School District and 2Revolutions in the crafting of a plan for community feedback, and ultimate adoption by our Board of School Committee.  

The process includes the following steps: 

  1. Discovery (January-February): Gathering information to inform our planning process, including:

    1. Community Engagement – Listening and learning from voices throughout our community.

    2. Teacher, Staff, Leader and Student Engagement– Listening and learning from voices throughout our schools and learning communities.

    3. Existing Reports – Leveraging the findings of recent past and current studies and grant initiatives undertaken by the District.

    4. Relevant Models – Learning for other communities that have realized school improvement plans.

  2. Design (March-June):  Collaboration between 2Revolutions and Community Planning Group in exploring, shaping, and ultimately making a plan for the future of Lin-Wood.

  3. Validation (May-June):  When drafts of the plan are shared with the community for evaluation, feedback, and validation.

  4. Implementation (2025-26 School Year):  Presentation of our final plan to the Board of School Committee for approval, and continued partnership with the District to ensure actualization and monitor progress.

The work of the Community Planning Group will be concentrated on the Design and Validation phases noted above. It is the CPG that will represent the needs and interest of our community, guiding and authenticating the work of 2Revolutions and planning process to ensure that the ultimate plan reflects our community's vision.


The Community Planning Group will be the representative body that ensures engagement between our planning process and our community.  Therefore, members will be chosen to represent the interests and ideas of a broad spectrum of Lin-Wood's residents, educators, students, businesses, and organizations. As indicated in the description below of the Planning Process, the core work of the Community Planning Group is expected to be performed between March-June 2025.

Members of the Community Planning Group, along with all others engaged in the work, will be expected to:

The actual scope of work of the CPG will be determined be the Group itself. However, principal tasks of members are likely to include the following:

Community Plan Group Task Grid