School Funding Formula (Apportionment Formula)

Historical Information


IV. RESOLVED: That the District ratify, adopt, approve, and confirm the following formula for the apportionment of all capital outlay costs and all operational costs among the pre-existing School District's under the provisions of RSA 195:7 (III) which formula was offered by the Cooperative School Board, adopted by the District at is Organizational meeting and has been approved by the State Board of Education:

Sixty percent (60%) of all capital outlay costs and all  operational costs to the pre-existing Lincoln School District.

Forty percent (40%) of all capital outlay costs and all operational costs to the pre-existing Woodstock School District.

                         Adopted: November 29, 1962

That the District amend its current formula for capital and operating expenses such that the total sum of operating and capital expenses of the Lincoln-Woodstock Cooperative School District payable in the ensuing fiscal year shall be apportioned among the two-member school Districts on the basis of the following ratio.  Fifty percent (50%) on the average daily membership of the pupils attending Lin-Wood Public Schools residing in each member District during the second preceding year as determined by the State Department of Education and Fifty percent (50%) on the equalized valuation as most currently available as determined by the State Tax Commission.

                      Adopted: June 23, 1988

That the District vote to ratify, adopt, approve, and confirm the following new formula for the apportionment of all capital outlay costs and all operational costs among the Towns of Lincoln and Woodstock, under the provisions of RSA 195:7, I(c).

Sixty-five percent (65%) of all capital outlay costs and all operational costs to be paid by the Town of Lincoln and thirty-five percent (35%) of all capital outlay costs and all operational costs to be paid by the Town of Woodstock.

                       Adopted: March 20, 2014

What is the School Funding Formula?

  • The School Funding Formula determines how much each town contributes in tax dollars towards the operating budget of the Cooperative School District.
  • Local taxpayer dollars are the largest source of funding for the School District budget.
  • It is also referred to as the School Apportionment Formula.

Current School Funding Formula

Town of Lincoln pays sixty-five percent (65%) of the School District budget, Town of Woodstock pays thirty-five percent (35%) of the School District Budget.

current school funding formula graph

Application of Current Funding Formula

2022-2023 School District Budget Net Assessment = $7,895,997

Represents the total amount of dollars that the School District needs from the two towns after adjusting for other revenue sources (i.e. federal grants, state aid, bonds...)

65% Town of Lincoln, 35% Town of Woodstock

Lincoln $7,895,997 x 65% = $5,128,783

Woodstock $7,895,997 x 35% = $2,767,214

These amounts are applied against each Town's tax assessment.  The amounts needed for the School from each Town are broken out on individual tax bills on the School portion of the Town tax bill.

Examples of how the current funding formula (and other possible funding scenarios) may affect Lincoln and Woodstock residents' individual tax bills can be found in the Funding Analysis-NOVEMBER 2022 Document included in the left-hand column of this page.

Process for Funding Formula Review

1.    The School Board (SB) forms a Funding Formula Review Committee every (five) years to review the District’s funding formula. (Five) Years is recommended since the formula “may be subject to review,…,after the expiration of the 5-year period measured from the date of the meeting at which the last change was made to the cost apportionment formula…”  (RSA 195:8)

2.    Funding Formula Review Committee (FFRC) is made up of one Selectman from each community, one School Board member from each community, one at large member from each community and one non-resident member.  Non-voting advisors are the School Business Administrator and the Superintendent. 

3.    Upon the completion of the review, the FFRC votes on a recommendation to the School Board. 

4.    The School Board reviews the recommendation by the FFRC. If no changes are recommended the process ends.  If a change is recommended by the FFRC, the School Board may vote to continue the process and place an article on the warrant for the voters at the School District Annual Meeting. 

5.    The communities vote at the District Meeting.   This is a majority vote per RSA 195:7.

6.    If adopted by the Cooperative School District, it goes to State Board of Education for approval.

 Reference RSA 195:7, RSA 195:8