SAU 68 District Information
School Year Calendar
78 Main Street, Suite 3, PO Box 846
Lincoln, NH 03251-0846
Phone: 603-745-2051 / Fax: 603-745-2352
The Lincoln-Woodstock Cooperative Cooperative School District recognizes the right of all students and staff members to learn and work in an environment free from discrimination or harassment, and likewise, that persons participating or attempting to participate in District programs, employment or activities have the right to do so free from discrimination or harassment.
Accordingly, the District prohibits any type of unlawful harassment or discrimination based on age, race, color, religion, creed, sex, national or ethnic origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, familial status, physical or mental disability, pregnancy, genetic information, or veteran status by employees, students, members of the school community, or by vendors or visitors on school property or at school-sponsored events. No person shall be excluded from or denied the benefits of educational programs or activities on the basis of any of the above classes or economic status.
603-745-2051 ext. 212
SAU 68 Staff
Sharon Holt | Administrative Assistant | 603-745-2051 ext. 210 |
Debbie O'Connor | Financial Manager | 603-745-2051 ext. 215 |
Trey Aldridge | Technology Director | 603-745-2214 ext. 231 |
Bart King | Technology Assistant | 603-745-2214 ext. 308 |
Nancy Bartlett | Director of Pupil Services | 603-745-2214 ext. 232 |
SAU School Board
Jay Duguay - Chairperson | Term Expires 2027 |
Tamra Ham - Vice-Chairperson | Term Expires 2026 |
Mandi Avery | Term Expires 2027 |
Kevin Bell | Term Expires 2025 |
Joe Bossie | Term Expires 2025 |
Casey Caulder | Term Expires 2026 |
Jasmine Weeden - Secretary | Term Expires 2026 |
Click Here: Policy BA-R Board Goals
Click Here: School Board Goals 2023-2024
Click Here: Board Meeting Schedule
District Coordinators
Human Rights Officer Nancy Bartlett, Director of Pupil Service Lincoln-Woodstock Public School 78 Main Street #3, Lincoln NH 03251 Phone: 603-745-2214 ext. 232 Email: | Title IX Coordinator Nancy Bartlett, Director of Pupil Services Lincoln-Woodstock Public School 72 Linwood Drive, Lincoln NH 03251 Phone: 603-745-2214 ext. 232 Email: |
Homeless Liaison Erin Bell, Behavioral Health Counselor (K-12) Lincoln-Woodstock Public School 72 Linwood Drive, Lincoln NH 03251 Phone: 603-745-2214 ext. 204 Email: | Suicide Prevention Coordinator Erin Bell, Behavioral Health Counselor (K-12) Lincoln-Woodstock Public School 72 Linwood Drive, Lincoln NH 03251 Phone: 603-745-2214 ext. 232 Email: Suicide Prevention |
504/ADA Coordinator Nancy Bartlett, Director of Pupil Services Lincoln-Woodstock Public School 72 Linwood Drive, Lincoln NH 03251 Phone: 603-745-2214 ext. 232 Email:
| Suicide Prevention Resources National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: NH Rapid Response Access Point: 833-710-6477 NAMI: |
Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education; 5 Post Office Square, 8th Floor, Boston, MA 02109-3921; Telephone - 617-289-0111; Email -
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, U.S. Dept of Agriculture; 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C., 20250-9410; Telephone - 866-632-9992; Email –
Boston Area Office, US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; JFK Federal Building, 15 New Sudbury STreet, Room 475, Boston, MA 02203-0506; Telephone - 800-669-4000; ASL Videophone - 844-234-5122; Email -
N.H. Commission for Human Rights, 57 Regional Drive, Suite 8, Concord 03301, Telephone - 603-271-2767; Email –
N.H. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Unit; 33 Capitol Street, Concord, NH 03301; Telephone – 603-271-3650; Email -
N.H. Department of Education, 25 Hall Street, Concord, NH 03301, Telephone – 603-271-3494; Email -
Lincoln-Woodstock Cooperative School District Developed:Lincoln-Woodstock Community Resource Guide
School District Suicide Prevention Plan
Other District Offices
Robert Wetherell | Moderator |
Sharon Holt | District Clerk |
Sandy Dovholuk | Treasurer |
Chief Kevin Millar | Truant Officer |
Officer Elizabeth Scrafford | Truant Officer |
Town of Woodstock Trustees | Trustee of the Trust Fund |