Megan Houle, 2nd Grade

Phone: (603) 745-2214 ext. 305

Fax: (603) 745-3730


Hello! My name is Megan Houle. I am a 2nd Grade Teacher at Lin-Wood Public School. I have lived in the White Mountains for the past 11 years. I love to travel the world and do volunteer work! I love integrating technology into everyday learning. I enjoy working in education and hope to for many years to come!

My Education and Professional Background:

I graduated from Plymouth State University with a Bachelor degree in Early Childhood Development with a certificate for K-3 teaching. I have worked at Lin-Wood for my entire teaching career. I started off as a Title 1 para, to a Title 1 teacher. I am now in my 5th year of teaching second grade. I continue to develop my teaching skills through a variety of professional development from the school as well as outside educational learning.