District Provisions

For more information, to schedule an appointment, or to make a referral to our special education team, please contact the Director of Pupil Services, Georgia Caron at 745-2214 or gcaron@lin-wood.org

Title I, Part A District Plan Provisions 2017-18

Using assessments in consort with the state assessment, describe how you will determine student and program success. You must include the following:

  • How you will identify students who may be at-risk for reading failure or who are having difficulty reading?
  • How you will determine individual student success?
  • How you will assist in the diagnosis of students to impact teaching and learning in the classroom?
  • How you will measure/review and analyze your program’s effectiveness?

In addition to state assessment data, student and program success are based upon several indicators.  District standardized assessments are given to students three times a year for reading and mathematics.  For reading, scores from NWEA and Fountas and Pinnell benchmarks are assigned a score ranging from 0-10 based upon the grade level expectations.  Both reading and math eligibility receive a score for teacher recommendation as well.  These scores are tallied for each student.  The neediest students are selected based upon their eligibility scores.  The students demonstrating the greatest need are selected to receive Title I services. Within the eligibility form there is a section that asks yes/no in regard to the student being migratory, homeless, or neglected.  See attached teacher made rubric.

Describe if you will use of other indicators to determine student or program success (i.e.: dropout rates, attendance, truancy, enrollment in postsecondary, involvement in after school activities, attitude changes, etc.).

When appropriate, LinWood Elementary School will look at other indicators besides assessment to determine student and/or program success. Those indicators include discipline data (office referrals) and attendance.

Title I services must be shown to "add value" to the instructional program provided to all students by general funds. In this provision the district, if it so chooses can mandate the minimum amount of time each student would receive Title I support and maximum staff-student ratios. In doing so, each of its Title I schools must abide by those parameters.  Describe how your Title I program in both Targeted Assistance Schools [TAS] and Schoolwide Programs [SWP] provides services “above and beyond” the general curriculum.

As a Targeted Assisted Title I school, Title I services in reading and math go "above and beyond" what is offered during whole group instruction within the general education classroom. Small groups of students will work with Title I teachers and receive supplemental instruction and interventions.

Title I teachers provide students eligible to receive Title I services with instruction that is in addition to what every other student receives as part of their education.  For reading, all students receive direct instruction using the Journey’s literacy program.  Students are not pulled during whole group instruction.  Many Title I students receive supplemental services through the Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) program during a period of the day called (W.I.N) What I Need.  If services are push in throughout the general education classroom, the students work with a Title I teacher at a literacy center, receiving extra supports, therefore, all students are participating in groups based upon their need.

The Title I curriculum that the team has chosen to support Title I students in reading is the Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) as well as Orton Gillingham.  It is a small group supplementary intervention designed for children who find reading and writing difficult.  LLI is designed to bring children quickly up to grade level competency in 14-18 weeks on average.  

There is also a take home piece where learners take home the books that they have read in group to increase literacy in the home and practice the skills that they’ve been working on.  It also includes a letter for the parent / guardian about the skills students are practicing as well as suggestions of how to support their learner at home.

Describe how your Title I program will coordinate with other programs (SPED, Even Start, Head Start, Reading First, Adult Education, Service Learning, etc.) and work with special populations ( SPED, LEP, migrant, homeless, neglected or delinquent children, etc.) to reduce duplication and fragmentation and increase collaboration between the programs.

Are you coordinating with pupil services personnel such as counseling and mentoring?

If appropriate, are you coordinating with college and career awareness and preparation programs?

Is there coordination with services to prepare students for transition from school to school?

LinWood's Title I program will coordinate with the school's Special Education Department and teachers as well as McKinney Vento liaison by consultation to review service delivery and intervention strategies to make sure that services are not supplanted or fragmented. Counseling or mentoring are not applicable. School to school coordination is not needed within the LinWood district.

Describe how you will:

Identify the pool of educationally deprived students (those students failing, or at-risk of failing to meet the state standards); and

select the most academically needy of that population in all of your targeted assistance schools. All criteria used must be educational in nature.

Students "at risk" of failing to meet the state standards are identified from various standardized assessments such as NWEA, Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessments, Aimsweb three times per year. The neediest students are selected based upon their eligibility scores (lowest 20%). The students demonstrating the greatest need are selected to receive Title I services. Within the eligibility determination, there is a section that identifies whether the student is migratory, homeless, or neglected.

This provision is optional.

If the district is using any Title I dollars to support or run a preschool program, describe in detail the goals, size, and activities of the program.

Not applicable at this time.

Schoolwide Program Schools:

All core academic teachers and instructional paraprofessionals must meet the highly qualified requirements regardless of source of funds (federal, state or local).

Do all applicable staff meet this requirement? Yes   


Targeted Assistance Schools:

All teachers and instructional paraprofessionals paid out of Title I funds must meet the highly qualified requirements.

Do all applicable staff meet this requirement? Yes   


Describe how the LEA will:

Coordinate with Title II-A to provide high quality professional development;

support the activities outlined in the parent involvement section; and

support Title I staff and teachers of Title I students to be better able to meet their students’ educational needs.

High quality professional development opportunities will be coordinated using Title II A funds to further elementary classroom teacher's efforts to meet the diverse educational needs of students within the classroom. This will be defined and determined based upon the analysis of program effectiveness throughout the school year - looking at assessments, student enrollment, and other data indicators (attendance and discipline). Based upon needs, parent involvement will be determined and implemented throughout the school year.  Previous examples of high quality professional development opportunities include Orton Gillingham training and Responsive Classroom training.

Describe how:

Your Title I plan is coordinated with the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.

The district identifies and how (and where) it serves homeless children. How does the district expect to use its homeless set-aside dollars?

Students identified as migratory, homeless, or neglected are automatically eligible for Title I services. Coordination with the district's McKinney Vento Liaison/ Coordinator is consistent to identify as quickly as possible those neediest of students.  In consultation with the McKinney Vento - Liaison, trends of McKinney Vento numbers and set asides were over time were reviewed

Services must be reasonable and necessary to enable homeless students to take advantage of educational opportunities.

Funds must be used as a last resort when services are not reasonably available from another public or private source.  

Looking at trends over time, consultation with the McKinney Vento Liaison

What are we doing with the money - what should be changing

Note: All Districts are required to have a local policy on homeless education and a local dispute process for homeless students (policy may include the dispute process). You may be requested to provide a copy of these policies.

You contact and coordinate with the town welfare office and local shelter(s) to identify homeless children and youth.

Space in the Title I program will be made available throughout the year for homeless children.


How services are coordinated with Every Child Succeeds Act of 2015 Foster Youth and Juvenile Justice Provisions.

How will the district help students in foster care remain in their school or origin unless it is in their best interest to change schools.

How will the district ensure that when a change in school placement is necessary, students in foster care are immediately enrolled, even if they lack records typically required for enrollment; requiring the enrolling school to contact the prior school to obtain the student’s records.

How will the district appoint a liaison to work with child welfare agencies regarding transportation needs for students in foster care.

How will the district provide disaggregated data on foster youth.

The Lin-Wood Elementary School has coordinated with the rules of ESSA regarding the automatic eligibility for Title I services if a student is within the foster care system. Similar to the McKinney Vento Homelessness Act, the elementary school will help students remain in their school of origin within reason. The school district will ensure that when a change in school placement is necessary, students in foster care are immediately enrolled and record transfers are expedited. Similarly, to the McKinney Vento liaison, a designated person will be appointed such as guidance, to work with child welfare agencies regarding the transportation needs of students in foster care. All district data is disaggregated based upon sub-group cohorts, included foster care youth.

Describe how:

The LEA will ensure that migratory children are selected to receive services on the same basis as other children who are selected to receive services.

space in the Title I program will be made available throughout the year for migrant children?

Upon enrollment into the LinWood elementary school, migratory students will automatically be eligible to receive Title I services on the same basis as other children who are selected to receive services. Coordination of benchmark assessments will need to occur if they enroll at different times of the school year. Space should not be an issue.

Describe how parents and community are involved in the planning, review, and improvement of the Title I program.

Parent survey is distributed annually at the end of the school year or when the student is discontinued from Title I eligibility.  Eligibility of Title I students is monitored three times per year with data protocols (NWEA, aimsweb, teacher recommendations, and F&P)

Describe how parent and community members are involved in assessing the effectiveness of your parent involvement policy, parent activities and the Title I program as a whole.

Policy - The school board has a committee that reviews policies.

Presentations to the school board.

Parent representation on the Title I team meetings.

Suggestions for change or modification are brought up through the parent

Parent Teacher conference night in the fall and we Meet the Title I teacher in the Spring

Assure that each school has a school-parent compact and that the district and each school have a Title I Parent Involvement Policy.

Title I Parent Compact is sent home when permission goes home.

How and when are parents provided information about the program, including participation in professional development activities and training to help them teach their children?

Monthly Newsletter goes out to families at the end of the month- created by the Title I teachers.

Title I teachers are currently building their website

Fluency Practice

Math activities game

Parent Packet with games and materials were brought home

Seesaw App is used  - training also provided to the regular education teacher

Pic collage

Do parents receive literacy training or are they referred to other agencies for support?

Parents sign up for trainings either in person or via webinars regarding specific skills to help facilitate learning at home.

What are your plans to comply with the “Parents Right-To-Know” requirements in the law?

Parents all get a copy of the Right to Know.  They sign off that they have received the requirements - those are kept in the Title I classroom for access.

If applicable, how will you comply with all the Title I parent involvement requirements in a participating private, nonprofit school?  N/A

What is the plan and who will be responsible to ensure that each Title I School holds an annual meeting?  

In collaboration with the elementary administration, the Title I teachers will ensure that an annual meeting is scheduled and implemented.

If district receives $500,000 or more, demonstrate how you have meet the 1% required set-aside.  N/A

How are Title I programs coordinated with other parental involvement programs?

The Title I program coordinates with Lin-Wood Elementary school’s Parent Teacher Association (PTA) for input of what to offer at the book fair, fundraising, field trips, and supplies, and providing books for new teachers.

How does your district plan to educate teachers and other staff on the importance of parental involvement?

The district plans to educate teachers and other staff on the importance of parental involvement by providing training during inservice days for faculty members of the importance of the whole child and parental involvement.  The whole school and entire community participates are invited to several different functions periodically throughout the school year to promote reading and math.  

How do you plan to ensure that your district disseminates information to parents in an understandable format?

Coordination with our ESOL teacher regarding language needs of families for native languages at home.  Newsletters are sent out utilizing technology via website, list serves, colorful posters, all calls.  Multi-modal means of dissemination of communication.

If applicable:

Describe how the LEA assists the low-achieving school to implement its improvement plan.


This provision is optional.

Describe how the LEA will use its Title I funds to support after school (including before and summer school) and school-year extension programs.

There is not enough Title I funds to support after school or summer programming for eligible students.