Child Find

For more information, to schedule an appointment, or to make a referral to our special education team, please contact the Director of Pupil Services, Mary Steady at (603) 745-2214 ext. 232 or

Special Education Child Find

The Lincoln- Woodstock Cooperative School District annually contacts community agencies and programs within its jurisdiction which provide medical, mental health, early intervention, early care education, welfare, and other human services to advise them of our responsibility to utilize the special education process to find, identify, and evaluate all children ages 2.5 - 22 years who are suspected of having an educational disability or in need of special education or related services.

Any person may refer a child under the age of 22 to SAU # 68 for reasons including by not limited to:

* Failing to pass a hearing or vision screening;

* Unsatisfactory performance on group achievement tests or accountability measures;

* Receiving multiple academic/behavioral warnings or suspension/expulsion from a child care center or after school program;

* Repeatedly failing one or more subjects;

* Inability to progress or participate in developmentally appropriate preschool activities;

* Receiving services from family centered early support and services.


Lin-Wood High School Seeks to contact students with educational disabilities who have left school prior to earning a diploma or becoming twenty-two (22) years of age.  The School would like to invite these students to return to school.